
Information For Authors

Are you Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the instructions about the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process.

General information

  • Mozambican Journal of Applied Science publishes original research articles on all agriculture areas.
  • The submitted Manuscripts must be original and not have been under consideration elsewhere. After the acceptance of a manuscript, copyright is transferred to the  Mozambican Journal of Applied Science.
  • The publication of the accepted papers is free of charge.
  • All papers are provided with an abstract in English and Portuguese.
  • A manuscript (as Word document) should be numbered from the first to the last page and signed by all authors.
  • Copyright contract is signed by all authors. No part of journal publications may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the publisher.

Manuscript preparation

Manuscripts are submitted preferably by e-mail to the Managing Editor ( or by post sent to the editorial office.


The manuscript, including literature and tables should not exceed 14 pages, reviews – 24 pages, short communication – 6 pages, tables – 5, list of taxa – no more than 2-3 pages


The materials should be submitted in the Microsoft Word-supported format, A4 page size, font Times New Roman, 12 font size, double line spacing.

Subdivision and formatting of the manuscript

  • The first page should have the title, the name(s) and address(es) of the author(s), including the corresponding authors e-mails, an abstract and key words.
  • Above the title of the article a UDC is provided.
  • The text should be subdivided into: Title page; Structured Abstract; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgements; Funding; References, although this may not be appropriate for some articles (such as reviews or some taxonomic papers).
  • The first mention of species and genera of algae in the text should be followed by the authorities (in case of abbreviated authorities please follow Authors of Plant Names, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew).

Title page:

  • UDC (Universal Decimal Classification);
  • Title of manuscript;
  • Authors: family names and initials of all authors;
  • Author affiliation: Institution and complete address(es) with the postal code for each author;
  • E-mail address of corresponding author;

Structured abstract:

  • Title
  • Authors: family names and initials of all authors;
  • Abstract of an experimental article should be subdivided into Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions. An abstract (at least 600 characters) should contain a brief description of the main elements of the paper and clearly express the most important results and conclusions of the manuscript;
  • Key words (up to 10 words) follow immediately after the abstract and should reflect the basic concepts discussed in the article and (if necessary) geographic location.


There must be not more than 6 figures in experimental article and not more than 3 in short communication. Line drawings, diagrams, photographs must be of good contrast and quality. Electronic files should be prepared using standard programs (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw) at a resolution 300 dpi (for photographs and schemes) and 600 dpi (for line drawings) and saved as bmptif or jpg files.

Figure legends

Provide the legends on separate pages from figures.


The tables (not more than 5) must have the heading and the serial number. The notes on the table should be placed under the table.


The sources are listed following the order in which they are cited in the article.

Since the Journal is indexed in the international databases, references are provided in English, or transliterated into Latin. Only published papers, books and other materials can be cited in the list. The authors are responsible for correct citation of the sources.

Examples of references:

For journal article:

  1. Zalat A.A., Distribution and origin of diatoms in the bottom sediment of the Suez canal lakes and adjacent areas, Egypt, Diatom Res., 17(1):243–266, 2002.

For book:

  1. Witkowski A., Lange-Bertalot H., Metzeltin D., Diatom flora of marine coasts, A.R.G. Gantner Verlag K.-G., Ruggell, 2000.

Journal policies

The submitted articles are reviewed by two independent experts appointed by the Editorial Board (a single-blind review). A copy of the article manuscript with reviewers remarks is forwarded to the corresponding author. Reprint version revised by the author and agreed with reviewers is considered the final one.

When the authors submit their manuscripts, they are welcome to suggest suitable independent reviewers; however, these suggestions may not be followed by the Editorial Board. Authors may also request the journal to exclude not more than two individuals or laboratories. The journal sympathetically considers such exclusion requests although the Editor's decision on the choice of peer-reviewers is final.

Authors should treat communication with the journal as confidential: correspondence with the journal, reviewers' reports and other confidential materials must not be posted on any website or otherwise publicized without prior permission from the Editors.

We draw your attention to the fact that the copyright contract is validated after the article has been accepted. If the Editorial Board rejects your article, the contract automatically becomes invalid. Signing the contract by author/authors means, they are acquainted and agree with the terms of agreement.

Publishing ethics guidelines

The Editorial Board follows the approved standards of ethical behaviour with all parties involved in publishing.

The Editor is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in anyone’s own research without a written consent of the author.

The Editor should not publish information if there are reasons to suspect any malpractice or plagiarism.

The Editorial Board treats the submitted manuscript and all communication with authors and referees as confidential. The manuscripts should be evaluated for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, ethnic origin, citizenship, social status or political affiliation of the authors.

The Editor should take reasonably responsive measures in case of ethical complaints concerning submitted manuscript or published paper.